From the album "Polka Favorites"
originally recorded January 30, 1977
- Stop & Go Polka
- South Side Oberek
- Old Timers Polka
- Two Keys Polka
- Red Lips Polka
- Margie Polka
- Red Beer Polka
- Rocky Mountain Polka
- Barbara Polka
- Wisconsin Waltz
- Teresa Polka
- Baby Shoes Waltz
- Live Forever Polka
From the album "Lively Polkas"
Originally recorded April 27, 1978
- Why Nots Polka
- Mother & Daughter
- Get Happy Oberek
- Farmer's Daughter
- Zima Waltz
- My Katie Polka
- Moon in My Window
- Petticoat Polka
- My Girl Anna Oberek
- My Father's Polka
- Tap the Bottle Polka
- Dippy Polka
- Honky Tonk Polka
- K-C Waltz