- Hey Baby Polka
- Rooster Polka
- Ti-Ri-It-Kum Oberek
- Tinker Polka
- Charm of Your Beautiful
Dark Eyes
- Modern Times Polka
- Jolly Joe Polka
- Get Happy Polka
- Muddy Shoes Oberek
- The Naturals Polka
- Blue Mountain Polka
- So Long Blonde Sailor
- Jelly Bean Polka
- Sweet Stuff Polka
- Good Luck Polka
- Poopsie Polka
- Lilac Waltz
- Pork and Beans Pokla
- Ice Cubes and Beer Polka
- Totem Polka
- Lots of Luck Polka
- Knik Knak Polka
- Why Not Hop Oberek
- Josephine Polka